JAKARTA - The couple Sule and Nathalie Holscher will welcome their first child. The two of them just held an event celebrating the seventh month of Nathalie's pregnancy at their residence in Bekasi.

Sule and Nathalie admitted that they already knew the gender of the child, which was a boy. They have known for a long time because both of them routinely undergo the ultrasound process.

A look of joy appeared on the faces of Sule and Nathalie Holscher. After having had a miscarriage, they got their long-awaited sustenance again.

Towards the birth of the child, Sule hopes that later the child will have facial features that are similar to his wife's.

"I kept praying, 'Oh God, no, no, no,' said Sule, launching Celebrities on Saturday, October 16.

"I want to be (like) him but I pray that he won't be (like) me. At least it looks like his nose. I'm free to marry him but he doesn't look like him. God willing, it looks like him," he continued.

Sule admits that Nathalie Holscher has unique cravings. Every two o'clock in the morning, the wife likes to eat sweet foods such as chocolate and ice cream.

"I'm ready for that. That's coffee, that's ice cream, I finish it," said Sule.

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