JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama was reportedly unconscious and was rushed to Primaya Hospital, West Bekasi. The family also spoke about the chronology and current condition of Dorce.
"Yesterday there was an appointment with my mother's nephew that I had business but when I was asked to eat, my mother didn't respond," said Ijah, the son of Dorce Gamalama.
“His consciousness really dropped and dropped again. We immediately took him to the hospital to the emergency room, entered the ICU, "he continued.
Luckily, the handling of doctors and nurses at the hospital was fast, so there were no complaints. "So when he came to the ER, the nurse was very extraordinary, he was treated quickly so I didn't panic too much," said Heti Sunjaya, a relative of Dorce.
Until now, Dorce's condition is better than the first time he was taken to the hospital. Dorce himself is known to have had diabetes for a dozen years but for the first time he was sick until he was unconscious.
"Until now it's still a CT Scan. It hasn't come out (results) yet," said Ijah.
"Ijah and his family continue to ask for prayers so that they can recover and can communicate. Anyway, ask for prayers to continue," he said again.
In recent years, Dorce has often been in and out of the hospital from the middle of fasting to the last until drop.
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