Tips For Conquering Virtual Job Interviews
Illustration (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced some people to try harder to find new jobs. There are still many job vacancies open by holding virtual interviews.

For those of you who are accustomed to interacting virtually, this does look normal. However, for those who are going to conduct an online interview for the first time, this is actually quite a worry.

VOI will provide some tips so that you can conduct job interview sessions virtually properly. Listen here!

Views In Interview

Remember that this interview will determine whether you are accepted or not. Therefore, wear clothes that are polite and look neat so that it will make you more professional. No need to overdo it, the important thing is that your face looks fresh.

Always put the laptop in a full battery condition and fit your appearance. Don't let the laptop too enlarge the face. Place the laptop parallel to your body.

Don't forget to make sure the lighting conditions around you can be seen clearly. You can open a window or turn on a light so you can see your face.

For the background, choose one that doesn't distract the recruiter too much. But that doesn't mean you can replace the background with a witty image, it can be considered rude.

If you don't have a good background, you can replace it with a plain background.

Interview Questions

When conducting interviews, the questions asked are not much different from face-to-face interviews. What's different here is that you don't have much time to think about answers. So make sure you have prepared all the answers.

When introducing yourself, you don't have to reread what you wrote on the resume. You can tell your passion for the industry you are in so that it can answer why you want the job.

Find out which company you are applying for the job. When asked questions about the company, you can answer smoothly. Don't forget to mention some of the company's achievements and memorable things.

Not a few are looking for work because of the pandemic. Take this opportunity to show your qualities. Tell us what new things you were doing in the middle of the pandemic, such as learning a new language or learning a new hobby.

Connection Used

This often goes unnoticed. When about to do an interview, make sure your internet connection is smooth. You can do a connection test by contacting relatives or family to try to contact you.

If the connection is interrupted at the start of the interview, make a backup plan by contacting the recruiter by telephone. This proves that you are alert with the interview.

When concluding the interview, thank the recruiter for the interview opportunity you took. If you have some questions, you can ask them directly.

Maybe everyone does something like this, but if you're the only one, you can seem unresponsive.

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