Defending Desiree Tarigan, Hotma Sitompul Cannot Defeat Hotman Paris In The Code Of Ethics Session
Hotman Paris (Photo: IG @hotmanparisofficial)

JAKARTA - Hotman Paris was reported by Lawyer Hotma Sitompul for alleged violations of the advocate's code of ethics when defending Desiree Tarigan. Hotman Paris was reported to the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) DKI Jakarta by Muara Karta and Partahi Sihombing who are Hotma Sitompul's legal team.

However, Hotman was declared unproven by the Chief Justice of the PERADI Honorary Council. The decision was conveyed in a virtual hearing of the verdict of the alleged violation of the advocate's code of ethics, Wednesday, September 29. Hearing the decision, Hotma Sitompul immediately declared an appeal.

"I declare for an appeal," said Hotma Sitompul. If this decision is open to the public, can I publish the evidence?" asked Hotma Sitompul.

"If you haven't signed up because of an appeal, then the evidence can't be published. However, the verdict can be published," answered the Chief Justice, Jack Rudolf Sidabutar.

Hotma Sitompul, the father of Bams ex-Samsons, looks very disappointed and will loudly file an appeal in the near future. "I don't accept it, I will file an appeal," said Hotma Sitompul.

Hotman Paris immediately gave a statement to the media after the decision was read by the Chairman of the Jakarta PERADI Honorary Council. "I was said to have violated the code of ethics for swimming with beautiful women. Do you have to wear a suit or kimono when swimming? The first complaint, Hotma Sitompul lost badly," he explained, quoted from the Cumicumi YouTube channel.

"So today there are two cases of violating the code of ethics that have been decided by the Peradi Regional Honorary Council of DKI Jakarta. One complaint from Hotma Sitompul against Hotman Paris said that I violated the advocate's code of ethics," said Hotman Paris.

"The second case, Hotman Paris replied. I complained to four people. Because Hotma was the principal in that case, he was not punished. The one who was punished was his lawyer, I heard clearly that Partahi Sihombing was suspended for three months, while Muara Karta was six months," said the 61-year-old lawyer this added.

Desiree Tarigan said he was happy to hear the decision of the trial lawyer who handled his feud with Hotma Sitompul. "I have heard the decision made by the Chairman of the Panel of Judges. I think it is fair enough," said Desiree.

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