Early Signs Of Pregnancy That Pregnant Women Rarely Realize
Illustration (Omurden Cengiz / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Most mothers-to-be usually already know that the common signs of early pregnancy are missed periods, breast tenderness, and nausea. However, there are other symptoms they rarely know about.

Obgyn from the Center for Reproductive Fertility in Hollywood, USA, Ellen Goldstein, said, most women will experience symptoms between six to 14 weeks. However, emergence may be as early as a week after conception.

In addition to the symptoms above, here are some other symptoms that women usually don't realize, reported by Insider, Monday, September 20.

Urinating more often

There are several factors that cause it, namely pressure on the bladder due to an enlarged stomach and pregnancy hormones that increase blood flow to the bladder, causing the mother to urinate frequently.

Stomach cramps

Some people experience stomach cramps during the first trimester. According to Goldstein, abdominal cramps in early pregnancy are usually caused by an enlarged uterus, forcing the muscles and ligaments that support it to stretch.


Constipation is more common in late pregnancy, but it can still be a problem early on. Goldstein suggests trying stool softeners and increasing your intake of soluble fiber.

Blood pressure drop

Blood pressure may decrease during the first or second trimester. Sometimes, this occurs as an increase in progesterone releases the walls of the blood vessels.

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