7 Variety Of Condoms That Make The Sensation Of Love Feel Different
Illustration of condom variants (Pexels/Cottonbro)

JAKARTA – One way to control unwanted pregnancies is to use condoms. The benefits of making love using condoms also reduce the potential for contracting sexually transmitted diseases or known as safe sex.

Among the many manufacturers of condoms, you and your partner need to recognize the variations of each product. Written by the Mayo Clinic and quoted by VOI on Saturday, September 18, condom materials also need to be considered. Because there are ingredients that for someone with sensitive skin can trigger irritation.

To find out more fully, here are the variations of condoms that can be used during sex.

1. Ultra-thin condom

Made of latex material, this very thin condom can be a safety. Based on the manufacturer's claims, ultra thin condoms give a sensation like not wearing a condom because it is very thin. Well, although thin, this condom is formulated not to leak or tear easily.

2. Flavored condoms

There are various flavors offered by condom brands, ranging from fruit, banana, strawberry, apple, orange, pineapple, chocolate, vanilla, to soda. For a variety of flavored condoms, it is generally used when the couple wants to have oral sex.

3. Textured condoms

Textured condom variants are made not without reason. The goal is to get pleasure for everyone when making love to their partner. The texture, serrations, and bumps on the condom help achieve both orgasm and ejaculation.

4. Warm condoms

You may be wondering, how can the temperature be regulated by a single condom. But because it is equipped with a lubricant that gives a warm sensation when wearing it, it is called a warm condom.

5. Condoms that emit light

All kinds of variations to create a sensation, especially so that sex is not just like that, then the glow in the dark condom was formulated.

When making love in a dimly lit room, the penis that is wearing a condom can be seen lit up. If you want to make love and have fun with your partner, the glow in the dark condom variation is formulated to have 3 layers. The outermost material that touches the vaginal membrane during penetration is made of latex.

6. Colorful condoms

Not only temperature, texture, taste, and light make condoms so varied. Condoms in various colors can also be purchased at the nearest pharmacies, supermarkets, and supermarkets. Usually manufacturers market colors according to the theme, for example when Valentine's Day will be marketed pink condoms.

7. Condoms made of polyurethane

In addition to latex, there are also condoms made from polyurethane. This can be an alternative if you are allergic to latex condoms. The advantages of polyurethane condoms are that they are made of synthetic plastic that is odorless, thinner, and does not leak or tear easily. But condoms with this material are less elastic than those made from latex.

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