JAKARTA – In caring for plants, it is necessary to know the habits of the types of plants being treated. Starting from whether it is placed indoors or outdoors, watering, the intensity of the light that shines, when it needs to be fertilized, to how to deal with pests if exposed.

The plant with the botanical name syngonium belongs to the Araceae family. This plant grows vines and is popular to decorate the room in the house. But that does not mean it is not beautiful when placed outside the room. It just needs a different treatment according to where to put it.

The growth of syngonium leaves spreads in all directions. It doesn't grow at one point, but eventually the stems will lengthen and need a place to propagate. But if you like the lush form of the syngonium, the stems can be trimmed periodically.

Another character, this beautiful plant with various species is resistant to dim light. Can grow with any growing media, including water.

The most important thing to note, this plant is poisonous if accidentally eaten. That is, place the syngonium wisely. Don't poison your pet or become a toy for your baby.

The most popular syngonium species is Syngonium podophyllum and is distinguished by its pattern, including pink allusion, strawberry cream, neon robusta, imperial white, berry allusion, and panted arrow.

How to care for syngonium plants, there are 2 kinds of ways that are distinguished according to their location. Here's the full presentation.

How to Care for Indoor Syngonium

It's happiest when you see syngonium plants with various variegata motifs thrive. For those of you who put the syngonium in the room or indoor, pay attention to how precisely the intensity of the light that illuminates it.

Syngonium is very tolerant of very low light, even in dark rooms. Plants with red, pink, silver, white, and light green motifs, as long as they are not exposed to direct sunlight, can still thrive.

Watering is done by paying attention to the planting medium. If the planting medium is a mixture of soil, water if dry. Also pay attention to the pot, choose a pot with perfect drainage.

tanaman syngonium
Syngonium white pearl illustration (Pexels/The Nomad Photographr)

As a rule, indoor syngonium is placed in a pot with a placemat. Well, when watering make sure the water on the mat is not stagnant. If left unchecked, it can cause the planting medium to be too moist and risk root rot.

If placed indoor, make sure the indoor temperature is not lower than 18 degrees and higher than 26 degrees Celsius. Fertilization can be done when the temperature is hot. This can help the syngonium feel happy and glow the variegata of various motifs.

How to Care for Outdoor Syngonium

Light intensity is the most recognizable enemy. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight. This means you can put it in a slightly shady spot on the lawn. For watering, fertilizing and pruning, how to identify it is the same as how to care for an indoor syngonium.

Among others, by paying attention to the humidity of the growing media, the growth process, and the ambient temperature.

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