After Parents Reported Back, Ayu Ting Ting Visits Metro Jaya Police To Continue Investigation
Ayu Ting Ting

JAKARTA - Tuesday, August 14, Ayu Ting Ting visited the Metro Jaya Police again. This is Ayu's second visit to provide clarification and answer questions from investigators regarding her report to KD on suspicion of hate speech.

To the media who asked about her interest in coming to the Metro Jaya Police, Ayu only replied with a nod. "Later, the story will be," said Lawyer Minola Sembayang who accompanied Ayu.

Apparently, the complaint from the parents of Kartika Damayanti alias KD, who officially filed a complaint against Ayu Ting Ting's parents to the Bojonegoro Police, East Java on Thursday, September 9, did not make her flinch.

Ayu still came to continue the examination. Previously, Ayu was asked to answer dozens of questions regarding accounts and sentences that were considered insults.

"So we have only arrived at 15 questions, the questions are about the account and which words make Ayu feel insulted. So there are words written by the account," said Ayu Ting Ting's attorney, Minola Sebayang, to reporters, Tuesday, August 31.

Ayu said that the main reason for bringing this matter to court was her daughter. She really did not accept if her only child was insulted by others.

"Yes, actually because the child, number one, and I are obliged to defend my child. Because I've been silent all this time, I don't mind if I'm stuck with my child, especially if my child has to move," said Ayu.

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