JAKARTA – A shady and beautiful house certainly makes its residents comfortable. Moreover, added a variety of plants. But it turns out that according to feng shui, every plant needs attention, especially those planted in the front yard of the house.

Basically feng shui does not specifically mention what plants should be avoided being planted in front of the house. But explain what things make the flow of energy in the house is not dynamic. So, to make it clearer and clearer, here's a feng shui explanation as reported by Real Living, Tuesday, September 14.

1. Plants that block light

Homes need exposure to light so that positive energy circulation works optimally. But a dry house and light that makes the house uncomfortable also need to be avoided. Specifically, you can choose plants whose size does not exceed the height of the roof.

For example, if you plant fruit crops such as mango, guava, jackfruit, and rambutan, you can do maintenance and pruning so that it doesn't grow and the house looks damp.

2. Balance is important

Louis Loh, a feng shui expert, said that in feng shui balance is important. Avoid stacking plants on one side. Try to measure the balance. Take care of the plant so that it grows well and does not wither until it turns yellow.

3. Broad-leaved plants

According to Louis, broadleaf plants represent the sustenance and well-being of the residents of the house. So choose a plant with broad leaves or round leaves that are similar to coins so that luck often comes to your house.

4. Avoid sharp-leaved, thorny, and flowering plants

For three plant characters, namely sharp leaves, thorns, and flowering can be planted in the backyard. Plants such as cacti, according to Louis, can emit negative energy. While flowering plants absorb too much energy from the occupants of the house.

Logically, flowering plants need a lot of sunlight. The sunlight that needs to enter the house through doors, windows, and ventilation should not be blocked by plants that absorb the largest energy source.

5. Avoid too many artificial plants

At least it's not complicated to display artificial plants. Because without the need to take care every day, you only need to clean when it's dusty. But this is the problem, said Louis.

“If you collect too many artificial plants, you are storing a lot of dust. Too much dust in the house is bad for feng shui," said Louis.

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