JAKARTA – A harmonious paired relationship is often not realized due to several factors. Starting from being used to, having something in common, to something mysterious. When reflected, Berit Brogaard D., M.Sci., Ph.D, in his research describes a number of factors.

In general, Brogaard explained based on the field he studied at Multisensory Research, University of Miami. Reported by Psychology Today, Friday, September 10, the following is an explanation of the factors and things that make two human beings fall in love with each other.

1. Have something in common

The most cliché thing is the common belief. Meanwhile, on a more personal level, two human beings who have the same personality and way of thinking can be the reason for being captivated.

2. Familiarity

The second factor, if a pair of humans often spend time together, think about each other, and interact with each other then falling in love is the most common thing that becomes a factor to fall in love.

3. Character compatibility

The most visible is the physical character. If it is in accordance with what is desired or imagined, it is not uncommon for them to immediately put their hearts or get to know each other.

4. Social influence or being in the same situation

When you are in a social environment, there are greater opportunities for interaction, and the exchange of feelings. The opposite also affects, for example, when someone has just entered a certain social network, it can be a factor for the growth of the seeds of love.

5. Meeting needs

If the fulfillment of needs such as love, friendship, sex, finance, security, and comfort is obtained from someone then falling in love is difficult to avoid.

6. Growing unreasonable passion

Being in an unfamiliar environment can be challenging and arousing at times. The environment is often the most strategic place to feel love. The point is, if you feel always challenged and always learn to adapt, you will be motivated to find a heart.

7. Readiness

Love is difficult to explain in one sentence, but in the emotions and feelings where love grows it will be driven by readiness. If a person is not ready to fall in love, then doubt and reluctance will be felt.

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Illustration of a couple holding hands (Pexels/Marcus Aurelius)
8. Isolated condition

Often with the same people and rarely see anyone else? This can make the level of interest increase. This condition also contributes to making each other 'addicted' or feeling something is lacking if you are not with your partner.

9. Mysterious

The last factor is the most mysterious. Because uncertainty also makes a person more curious, thinks often, raises questions, and makes efforts to make love grow.

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