JAKARTA - True love is only separated by death. That seems to be the story of love and Aprilia Puspitawati. Four months after Aprilia died, Koes Hendratmo followed the Beloved.

Last Thursday, May 20, Koes Hendratmo reported that his wife, Aprilia Puspitawati, had passed away. There is no information about Aprilia's illness. However, Koes Hendratmo advised not to mourn.

"Due to the pandemic situation, it is respectfully requested not to mourn. Information regarding the funeral will be notified soon," Koes Hendratmo said.

Today, Tuesday, September 7, Koes Hendratmo passed away. This news was confirmed by Nia, the manager of Bonita who is the son of Koes Hendratmo. Reportedly, a history of heart disease was the reason why Koes died.

This news made Helmy Yahya sad. "Innalillah wainna ilaihi rojiun! Goodbye, my teacher, Indonesia's best singer and MC! May you be accepted by Him! You will be missed! Al fatehah!" he wrote on the account @helmyyahya.

Aprilia is known to have married Koes Hendratmo on January 14, 2007. Aprilia Puspitawati is a woman who has filled Koes Hendratmo's heart since her divorce from Herdawati Bakrie.

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