Rest Is Not Enough, Know 5 Effective Ways To Overcome Fatigue
Fatigue illustration (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

JAKARTA – There are many factors that cause fatigue, including heavy activities or heavy thoughts. Between the dense activities and the mind, the body needs adequate intake.

Fatigue can be caused by inadequate nutrition. It can also be caused by activities that demand a lot while the capacity of time and body is not equivalent to what has been done.

In essence, fatigue is caused by lifestyle factors. Quoted from Medical News Today, fatigue or fatigue is most commonly caused by mental health problems, hormonal factors, the effects of drugs, heart and lung conditions, and not getting enough sleep.

In order not to drag on and even interfere with your productivity, fatigue needs to be treated effectively without causing new effects, for example by taking medication. Without taking medication, as long as rest is balanced with activity, fatigue can be resolved.

However, the recommendations reported by Healthline, Tuesday, September 7, recommend ways to keep the body balanced and healthy both physically and mentally. Check the following method.

1. Drink more mineral water

Fluids in the body contribute to many things related to physical and mental health. Including keeping the body well hydrated and keeping fit in the midst of your hectic activities.

Although drinking mineral water is not the only way, this step can support the body to produce energy through optimal metabolic performance.

2. Cut down on caffeine

Having to finish tasks late and consuming excessive caffeine, actually makes your body weak the next day. Every now and then will not cause a significant problem, but if done often it will drain energy.

3. Manage stress

Many activities of course the mind works hard. The mind that jumps from doing many things has an effect on fatigue. For this reason, it is necessary to be good at managing stress by releasing it positively. For example, by enjoying any minimal rest or regular meditation and yoga.

4. Regular exercise

Regular exercise, based on a study conducted in 2008, proves to minimize fatigue. This trains the body to produce energy regularly and helps balance hormones, one of which is endorphins.

5. Set a healthy diet

A healthy diet not only delights the sense of taste, but also helps your body get enough nutrients. In addition, healthy foods contain nutrients that support productive activities.

From the ways above, it is important for you to maintain body harmony. Starting from controlling the pattern of life to managing the dynamics of metabolism and thoughts.

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