JAKARTA - SNSD's YoonA wrote a personal apology via her Instagram account on Thursday, July 2. He apologized for him who went karaoke with Lee Hyori on Wednesday, July 1.

"I reflected on myself because it caused concern because of my careless behavior. I'm sorry."

He also felt he didn't care about the surroundings and should have been more careful. "I reflect on not paying attention to medical workers and the people who are fighting COVID-19", said the EXIT film player.

The letter was uploaded after netizens reminded Lee Hyori who first uploaded his apology.

Earlier, Wednesday night, July 1, YoonA and Lee Hyori turned on Instagram Live while going together at a karaoke. Unfortunately, their closeness caused a negative response when netizens thought the two artists did not implement social distancing.

They had time to convince their live audience. Hyori asked netizens, 'Are we not allowed to go karaoke?'

YoonA replied, "We came wearing masks."

Then Hyori apologized by uploading an empty picture. "As an older sister, I also feel guilty to YoonA. In the future, I will be careful and be better. Once again, I'm sorry."

YoonA and Lee Hyori were brought together at the variety show Hyori Bed & Breakfast in 2018. At that time, Hyori as the owner of the house invited YoonA to come as a part-time worker. Their friendship began to be established since then until now.

Not completely free, South Korea is undergoing the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, although some entertainment areas have reopened, social distancing is still being activated by the government.

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