JAKARTA – Since the beginning of this year, Marcella Zalianty and her husband, Ananda Mikola, have agreed to live in Bali. The reason for the choice was her two sons. She said that living in Bali felt healthier even though they both stayed at home like in Jakarta.
Through Instagram Live, Marcella also explained that the decision to temporarily stay in Bali will be made until the pandemic situation improves.
So, what activities did she share on his official and verified Instagram account while in Bali? The following is a list of portraits with beautiful scenery on the Island of the Gods.
1. Sunbathing to get vitamin D is done against the backdrop of a swimming pool landscape bordered by the sea and a bright blue sky. According to Marcella, this activity is good to do to start the day.

2. Breakfast with her two children is also a good sight. The horizon boundary between the sky and the sea looks thin as a situation builder when eating breakfast in the morning.

3. Playing golf is also her activity. Green grass and not too high cliffs surround the golf course.

4. What makes Marcella feel at home in Bali? "..the air here is better, there are beaches, mountains.." she said briefly but explained enough.

5. Enjoying the afternoon by playing golf and the sunset is indeed the most perfect atmosphere when in Bali.

6. Floating breakfast or enjoying a floating breakfast is certainly a special moment while in Bali. Together with her son, she enjoyed breakfast at one of the resorts in Ubud.

7. There are many places to enjoy moments of relaxation in Bali. And Marcella did not miss enjoying it with her family.

8. Enjoying the morning, sunbathing, while drinking Balinese coffee, according to Marcella "And a sip of Balinese coffee completes & warms" her Sunday.

9. Bali is synonymous with tropical areas and sunsets. Several times Marcella shared her portrait with the setting sun in the background.

11. Marcella thinks that “And for me..spending time with my kids Is my biggest pleasure”. She said spending time with my children was my greatest pleasure.

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