JAKARTA - Actor Stephen Chow is reportedly close to Ukei Cheung, a contestant from Miss Hong Kong 2021. The news emerged because after they took several photos showing their togetherness spread on social media.
Netizens highlighted their age difference which is 42 years old, it is known that Ukei Cheung is only 17 years old. Several eyewitnesses saw Stephen Chow was with three women on a yacht or cruise ship recently. One of the three people is Ukei Cheung.

Another source mentions about Stephen Chow's first meeting with Ukei Cheung. It is said that they first met at a party on a cruise ship in June. Stephen Chow then expressed his interest in Ukei.
Quoted from Apple Daily, they often meet. Ukei was also given a very special service by Stephen Chow, starting from being picked up by a private car, eating together, to drinking together.

After being tired after drinking until midnight, Stephen Chow will not hesitate to rent out luxury hotel rooms as a place to rest. There is also news that the two of them are always on a date at sea with the yacht every weekend.

Headline Daily wrote that the interaction between Stephen Chow and the three girls was quite intimate. They seemed to be having fun splashing water on each other in the moment.
However, Assistant Stephen Chow denied that there was a special relationship between Stephen Chow and Ukei. In a statement, Stephen Chow's assistant informed that the artist is not close to Ukei Cheung at all.
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