JAKARTA – Knowing about the character of one's own body has great benefits for choosing clothes. It's not just about outfits, when you know what's right for you and not for yourself, you can appreciate yourself more.
For women with big thighs, stay confident. Because there are so many types of outfits that can make your appearance perfect.
Besides choosing the right piece of clothing according to your posture, choosing comfortable clothes is also important. Here are tips on choosing clothes for women with big thighs.
1. Choose boots and flare pantsTrousers, whether made of denim or fabric, the two most recommended pieces are boot cut and flare. Boot cut pants are wide at the bottom of the leg. Just like the flare, this cut is also the width of the bottom.
Furthermore, it is recommended that flare pants and boots be cut up to the waistline. The goal is to form a longer visual and streamline effect.
It is necessary to avoid choosing horizontally striped pants. For women with large thighs, wear horizontal stripes.

There are indeed many choices of skirts, but the most appropriate and comfortable form of skirt for women with large thighs is the A-line skirt. Skirts with A-line cuts are more flowing and make everything look proportional.
For a skirt that can show your curves, you can choose a pencil skirt. But choose a material with high elasticity to remain flexible when worn.
3. Vertical striped canalOveralls that are loose at the bottom are also beautiful when worn. When choosing a motif, choose a vertical line or a medium or small floral motif. Avoid choosing the wrong motif, namely a large motif.
You can add a belt to emphasize the accent on the waist.
4. Avoid crop topsVery short top, not cute enough to wear. This causes the body to appear shorter and reveal hip width. Then wear a longer top with a V neckline.
You can also add accessories in the form of prominent earrings or necklaces to make the eyes focus upward.
5. Choose the right colorIt is common knowledge that black clothes seem elegant and form a 'safe' visual for big thighs. However, the matter of color is currently free of preference. You can wear any color of clothing, but avoid light or flashy colors.
Choose pastel colors to make the appearance look soft. You can also combine brightly colored tops with neutral colors.
6. Avoid wearing stilettos if...Skinny pants, cut from the top to the ankles, are not recommended to be combined with stiletto shoes. You can wear heels to minimize the visual width of your hips and thighs. You can also wear boots, although you need to avoid contrasting colors.
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