JAKARTA - The wife of the late WS Rendra, Ken Zuraida passed away Monday, August 9. According to film director Lola Amaria, the late Ken Zuraida was a dedicated person throughout his life. Even in his daily life, the figure of Ken Zuraida he has considered as a mother and teacher of life.

Lola Amaria has worked in two film projects with Ken Zuraida, namely Lima and Riuh. Lola's closeness with Ken has made Maryam Supraba, Ken Zuraida's daughter, with WS. Rendra was envious.

“Usually we talk from day to night, at Lola Amaria Production. Until Memey (Maryam Supraba's nickname) was picked up by her husband, to be invited home first. We still talked until late into the night,” recalled Lola Amaria when contacted Monday, August 9.

Many policy messages given by Ken Zuraida to Lola Amaria, such as the power of women, and the various issues that surround them, as well as the challenges. Including Lola Amaria's position as a female director in Indonesia, which is few in number.

“Bu Ken has passed on a lot of his knowledge to me. And we used to talk about anything. To the point of making Memey jealous, we can be that close," added Lola Amaria.

The most impressive thing about Ken Zuraida's figure for Lola Amaria is his professional attitude. While on set Ken Zuraida never bends his face, and always smiles. Though his experience as an actor is very long.

“Compare with the young people who just entered the world of acting yesterday afternoon. Those who like to tug on their faces, if there is a small thing that is not pleasing on the shooting location, "said Lola Amaria. Because of that, Lola Amaria felt lost for Ken Zuriada's departure.

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