JAKARTA – Often giving positive education about the world of health to the public through social media, Dr. dr. Dhelya Widasmara Sp.KK (K) FINSDV won the MURI Record award.
"The COVID-19 pandemic is indeed a lot of confusing information and hoaxes everywhere. The goal is to play social media, just to educate them so that they are more careful," said doctor Lala, dr. Dhelya Widasmara, quoting Antara, Sunday 8 August.
Doctor Lala said that before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she was not very familiar with social media. However, over time, Doctor Lala realized that social media could be used to educate the public, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also admitted that his YouTube and Tiktok accounts had just been created because of the pandemic.
"It's true, I just created social media accounts during this pandemic. Yes, to fill activities and provide education to the public," he explained.
Doctor Lala said she does have a number of social media accounts that are still active today.
Some of his accounts are Dr Dhelya's YouTube with 3.13 subscribers, Tiktok drdhelyaspkk with 38.6 thousand followers, and Instagram @dhelya_spkk with 83 thousand followers.
Therefore, he and Dr. Listya Paramita, SpKK managed to win a certificate of appreciation from the Indonesian World Record Museum for the record for the Longest Skin Health Education Live Broadcast via Instagram.
A number of doctor Lala's content on social media is enough to attract the public to follow his instructions. Like on Doctor Lala's Tiktok account, she provides education about the use of oxygen cylinders and tips for anti-suffocation without oxygen cylinders. The video went viral until Doctor Lala was invited by Insert (Trans TV) to again provide education to the public.
It is known, Doctor Lala was born in Malang, East Java on August 14, 1982 from the couple's father dr. Dadang Hendrawan, Sp.Jp (K) FIHA FiCss and Mrs. Prof. Dr. Dewi Astuti Muchtar SH.MS.
Doctor Lala completed Elementary School at Lawang 5 State Elementary School in 1988-1994, and State Junior High School 3 Malang in 1994-1997.
Then he continued to State Senior High School 1 Malang in 1997-2000. Then he continued his undergraduate medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang in 2000-2006.
He said that he completed the Dermatology and Venereology Specialist Education Program at Airlangga University, Surabaya in 2011, and completed his doctorate at Airlangga University in 2015.
In addition to winning the MURI Record award, Doctor Lala also won the 2019 Indonesia Women Achievers Award Winner in Jakarta. "Currently, I am busy as the Secretary of the Clinical Research Unit (CRU) of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang, Public Relations of IDI Malang Branch, and the owner of the Elbe Clinic and Skin Level Clinic Malang," he said.
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