JAKARTA – Healthy relationships are mutually supportive. When your partner is feeling down and his self-confidence is down, you can support him in five simple ways recommended by experts.

Giving compliments to other people is a way to appreciate and give them more trust. From the recommendations of Alice Boyes, Ph.D., then you can support your partner with the following things below:

1. Praise body parts

It could be, the partner is not confident with his body. If that's the case, you can commend it. For example, her sparkling eyes or a cute mole at the end of her eyebrow.

Showing that you love every bit of what they have can help increase their self-acceptance.

2. Compliment the clothes you wear

Everyone has their own taste to choose what is suitable for use. Including your partner, when he's feeling down on himself, praise the way he combines styles of dress.

3. Compliment your partner's taste

If your partner is good at picking out paint colors, bed linen, or a good movie playing on Netflix, then compliment their taste.

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4. Show that he makes you feel happy

Did your partner introduce new things that made you feel happy? According to Boyes, reported by Psychology Today, Friday, August 6, you need to show something that brings happiness.

5. Say that he makes you feel good

Cliche sentences and dry cuteness, for example, can be brought to the surface where you feel comfortable while with him. Boyes advice, whatever your partner does that makes you feel worthy, needs to be appreciated to encourage his confidence to grow back.

In addition, as reported by the Manage Your Life Now page, complete and unconditional acceptance is the most stable foundation on which to build self-esteem.

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