JAKATA - You would agree that if you eat nutritious food and drink healthy drinks, it will automatically make your lifestyle healthier too. But it's not enough to stop there! It turns out that there are some tips that can improve our physical and mental lives. It's not enough just to eat or drink healthy, but you also have to complement it with small changes in your daily life.
So, what are some small changes you can make to keep your mind healthy? Check out the explanation below, come on.
Keeps blood sugar levels stable
For optimal performance, brain cells depend on a supply of glucose or blood sugar. But this does not mean that you should eat a "healthy diet" of cakes and fizzy drinks, which will cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels in the body and lead to impaired concentration, low energy, and emotional instability. Low glycemic foods such as nuts, seeds, and vegetables, are the best intake for the brain.
Stay hydrated
Given that brain tissue is made up of 70 percent water, it makes sense to keep our bodies and minds healthy by staying hydrated. A study studying brain tissue from people with dementia has even shown evidence of mild dehydration. So what are you waiting for? Make sure you keep the intake of mineral water and herbal teas in your body.
Relaxation and meditation
Meditation improves the parasympathetic nervous system (or relaxing system) and at the same time relieves the sympathetic nervous system (or the rebellious system). Actually, meditation doesn't mean you have to listen to soothing music in the lotus position. Activate your relaxing system simply by learning to "belly breathe". Inhale deeply until you reach your lower abdomen, extending your abdomen below your belly button during an "in breath". With a slightly longer "out breath", it allows the stomach to "sink back" into the spine.
Use "mind power"
Often your state of mind is affected by negative self-talk. Destructive thoughts like "I'm so stupid, I can forget such a small thing", "Why can't I ever get things done right?", etc., will certainly affect one's mood and attitude when dealing with the ups and downs of life. Motivate yourself and use the power of your mind by repeating positive phrases like, "I will definitely achieve my goals this month."
Stimulate the mind with essential oils
Of the five senses we have, the sense of smell is the most powerful. Through the cognitive brain, something fragrant directly touches the limbic system which regulates emotions. Fragrant essential oils can be used to stimulate the mind. For example, rosemary oil can improve memory, lemon oil reduces mental fatigue, and Neroli (citronella) reduces stress and depression.
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