JAKARTA – Choosing ornamental plants can be adjusted to where you put them or where you live. If you are in the tropics with warm temperatures, you can listen to recommendations for ornamental plants but do not need a lot of sunlight.

The following are references to ornamental plants that can be placed in the living room or other rooms in the house.

Plants without sunlight 1. Calathea

Calathea is one of the ornamental plants that can be fertile placed at room temperature or moderate. This plant can survive without direct sun exposure, but can not stand in an air-conditioned room that tends to dry.

2. Betel ivory

Betel ivory there are various variants. Starting from jade, manjula, silver pothos, to marble queen pothos. The majority can be grown in water and what's amazing is that it doesn't need a lot of sun.

3. Aglonema

Placed in the room so the toughness of this beautiful plant. Aglonema can maintain its beauty even with exposure to dim sunlight.

4. Peperomia

Ornamental plants with small leaves with adorable colors will make a room with pepperomia decorations more comfortable. Luckily again, this plant is not spoiled and requires complicated care. Peperomia can grow well with light bulb alone.

5. Bromeliads

For decoration under windows that are not directly exposed to the sun, bromeliads can be an option. Plants with varied flower colors make a tropical impression at home. Precisely if exposed to direct sunlight, bromeliads will turn yellow.

Fruit plants without sunlight 6. Oranges

Lemons, limes, and Meyer lemons can live indoors. Citrus plants can live without exposure to the hot sun. Room temperature and shade and slightly humid make citrus fruit plants can be room decorations as well as the fruit can be consumed.

7. Avocado

To select the seeds of plants that bear fruit and are placed in the room, it is recommended the type of graft or cuttings. Meanwhile, avocados like moist areas.

You can put it in the kitchen near the sink. Can also be placed in another place with little sun exposure.

tanaman buah tanpa sinar matahari
Illustration of a tree and a pomegranate (Unsplash/Feliphe Schiarolli)
8. Pomegranate

By choosing a pot and providing a pole for the pomegranate plant to propagate, you can place it in a place that is not exposed to much sunlight. This plant also prefers a cool place for perfect fertilization.

9. Fig tree

Reported by Gardening Chores, Monday, July 26, fig trees can grow in your living room. For gardeners who don't live in sub-tropical areas, choose to put a fig tree in the room. Why? Because this plant prefers to grow in warm temperatures, especially the Brown Turkey variety.

But this fruit plant needs lighting from the sun even though it is not direct. Fig trees in pots also do not like cold places. This means avoid placing directly in front of the air conditioner or a cold room.

10. The ciplukan tree

Also known as groung cherries, this ciplukan fruit is very rich in health benefits. The life span of this plant is not long, meaning it needs re-seeding when the leaves start to turn yellow.

Water plants without sunlight 11. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo with twisted stems and using water growing media is often displayed for living room decoration. Lucky bamboo has the botanical name Dracaena sanderiana. To make it look more beautiful, you can choose an aesthetic vase.

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Illustration of lucky bamboo (Unsplash/Severin Candrian)
12. Spider plants

Aquatic plants that can live with indirect sunlight, one of which is the spider plant or Chlorophytum comosum. When the saplings grow, you can cut them and transplant them in a new pot.

Don't forget to change the water every 2-3 days to prevent moss from growing.

13. Tradescantia

On average, each tradescantia variant is purple, both plain and varigate. Ornamental plants that can live with water growing media have been popular for a long time. Usually, terrarium enthusiasts use it in conjunction with other plants.

tanaman air tanpa sinar matahari
Begonia ornamental plant illustration (Unsplash/Severin Candrian)
14. Begonias

So that the roots do not rot easily, the water as a begonia planting medium needs to be changed once a week. This plant is also beautiful placed in a clear glass pot so you can see the roots grow.

15. Syngonium

There are various variants of syngonium or also known as arrowhead plant. Starting from the color composition of yellowish green and greenish brown. Not only can it grow with water, Syngonium can also grow on loose soil.

The main thing from the above reference is to take care of these ornamental plants properly. If placed indoors and not exposed to much sun, check the planting media and roots regularly. Do not forget to periodically give him nutrition.

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