JAKARTA - If you or a family member is currently exposed to COVID-19 and is allowed to self-quarantine at home because you only have mild symptoms or no symptoms, you are still required to do an independent health check every day.

Self-health checks during this quarantine are necessary to recognize abnormal or dangerous signs from the start, so you can reduce the risk of worsening symptoms and be immediately taken to the Emergency Unit. So, what are the stages of an independent health check that you need to do at home? Launching Kompas, Friday, July 23, the following are a series of tests.

Check pulse

Feel the pulse on the wrist using 3 fingers. Count the pulse palpable at the wrist for 60 seconds. Normally, in 1 minute, the pulse count ranges from 60-100 times per minute and the rhythm is normal regularly. However, if the pulse is over 100 or the pulse rhythm is irregular, there could be a problem. Immediately report to the medical officer who monitors via chat.

Check Tension

You can use a digital blood pressure monitor to measure blood pressure. Place the tension cuff on the upper arm of the elbow. Make sure you sit quietly and wait 5 minutes, before starting to take your blood pressure. Normally, blood pressure ranges from 110-130/60-80 mmHg. If the blood pressure is low or high, note it immediately and consult a medical officer.


- https://voi.id/lifestyle/69383/rekomendasi-makanan-untuk-jaga-daya-tahan-tubuh-saat-pandemi-covid-19

- https://voi.id/berita/66051/positif-covid-19-tenang-ini-tips-dari-dr-reisa-agar-cepat-sembuh

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68409/mengenal-terapi-nebulizer-apakah-efektif-kurangi-gejala-yang-dialami-pasien-covid-19

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/67499/tips-mudah-mengatasi-anosmia-saat-tertular-covid-19

- https://voi.id/berita/67347/alhamdulillah-ivermectin-diizinkan-jadi-obat-terapi-covid-19


Check Temperature

Use the thermometer you have, it will be easier if you have a digital thermometer. If you are using a Thermogun, point it at your forehead and then press it. If you are using a digital thermometer, place it under your armpit, and press on the instrument. Normally, the temperature ranges from 36.5-37.5 C. Consult a doctor if the body temperature is above the normal value.

Check Breath

Breathe as usual and then count in 1 minute, how many breaths you can do. Keep breathing, as usual, don't be too hasty or exaggerated. You can also ask family members to see and count the breaths in this 1 minute. Normally, the breath rate in 1 minute is between 12-20 breaths. However, if the respiratory rate is above or below the normal range, consult a doctor immediately.

Saturation Check

Make sure you have a pulse oximeter. Now, the price is quite affordable but this item is a must-have for Covid-19 sufferers. Place your index finger on the pulse oximeter, turn it on, then wait for the device to show oxygen saturation.

Normally, the breath saturation measured by this device shows a range between 95-99%. If the saturation is below 95% and accompanied by complaints, immediately consult a doctor.

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