JAKARTA - Film star and director Lola Amaria does not remain silent watching the current situation which is still being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and Emergency PPKM which has been extended to PPKM Level 4. Through the catering business that she has been doing so far, this Sunday Morning movie star at Victoria Park make and distribute food for residents who are undergoing isoman (self-isolation) at home.

Lola and her team made a quick response action. This time, Lola provided assistance to residents who underwent Isoman due to being infected with COVID-19. The selected residents are currently targeted for the Jakarta area and its surroundings. "Looking at the current situation, the COVID-19 pandemic, then there is the PPKM Emergency and now PPKM Level 4, I can't stay silent. What can I do to relieve those who are undergoing Isoman. Yes, this is a small step that can be taken we can do it," Lola told VOI who contacted her on Wednesday, July 21.

Isoman Citizens

The consequences of this pandemic and PPKM are many. "Many are exposed and are isoman, some have lost their jobs and so on. Now we are focusing on those who are Isoman. Next, maybe the health workers or health workers, grave diggers who sweat endlessly, and so on," continued the woman. born in Jakarta, July 30, 1977.

It turned out that what the director of the film Labuan Hati did, received a warm welcome from his colleagues and relations. They said Lola, supported the movement she was doing. "They also want to help, but sometimes they don't have the path. Or there are also those who want to help but the amount is not big. I said it doesn't matter the value, the important thing is the intention. We accommodate everything, then buy ingredients, cook in Lola's Kichen and distribute it to them which is isoman," he explained.

Lola Amaria sedang menyiapkan makanan untuk warga Isoman. (Istimewa)
Lola Amaria is preparing food for the citizens of Isoman. (Special)

Through the management of Lola Amaria Production, the former model of the 1997 Face of Femina hopes that the assistance given to the isoman residents can be a solution in the midst of the residents' difficulties. “We are trying to help in any way we can. Hopefully this food package assistance can be a real solution,” said the nominee for Best Director at the 2010 Indonesian Film Festival.

Citizen Voice Suara

The real action to help during this pandemic was immediately appreciated by residents who got food delivered to their homes. “We say thank you. I wish there were more good people like this. This is what we need at a time when the rate of COVID-19 continues to increase," said M Nashir, head of the COVID-19 task force at the Pelita Kavling housing estate, Depok, Wednesday, July 21.

Nasir explained that currently in his home environment the number of residents who are undergoing isoman has begun to decline. "But we are happy that there is this kind of attention," he said.

Meanwhile, Happy Bayu Amadhy, the head of RW 022, Jombang Ciputat Village, South Tangerang, which distributes to its residents, also made a similar statement. He appreciated the movement made by Lola Amaria and the team. "Alhamdulillah, we thank Ms. Lola Amaria who has carried out a movement to help residents who are now isoman. We hope that blessings and residents who undergo isoman can recover quickly and carry out their activities as before," he said

Yudi Syaiful Alam, salah seorang warga Puri Bintaro Indah yang sedang menjalani Isoman. (Istimewa)
Yudi Syaiful Alam, a resident of Puri Bintaro Indah who is undergoing Isoman. (Special)

The same thing was also expressed by Iffan Febrisyah, a resident of Petamburan, Central Jakarta. He was very grateful for what was given from Lola Amaria. "Alhamdulillah, it really helped. All of the residents we share this food aid with are very grateful. This kind of attention strengthens us. Thank you Lola Amaria and her team for helping us," said Iffan.

The real action taken by Lola was in the form of giving food packages for 10 days in a row. Every day, 100 boxes of rice are allocated. This aid will be sent from Wednesday, July 21 to July 31. "For the time being, we can only help the residents of Isoman Jakarta and its surroundings," said Lola Amaria, who hopes that the action taken can relieve those who are Isoman due to exposure to COVID-19.

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