JAKARTA - The spread of the family cluster corona virus is increasingly worrying. If previously many cases occurred from office clusters, now in several cities there are many positive COVID-19 patients who come from the same household.

According to the explanation from Dr. Erlang Samoedro SpP(K), the Central Executive of the Association of Indonesian Lung Specialists (PDPI), as reported by CNN, Monday, July 19, this family cluster can occur when one of the family members in the same household is infected from outside, then carries and transmits the virus in home. For example, in one house there are four people, one person is still out of the house to work. Then, it is infected outside and carries the disease to family members who are even always at home.

Then how to protect yourself and family members from this cluster? Let's apply health protocols at home!

Always keep your distance

If there are people who travel every day, make sure to keep a distance from other family members who are always staying at home. If possible, provide separate rooms for people who still have to travel and avoid physical contact such as hugging, kissing hands, and eating close together.

- https://voi.id/berita/68175/jokowi-saat-ini-all-obligatory-use-masker

- https://voi.id/berita/68040/jokowi-minta-penyekatan-ppkm-darurat-evaluated-key-justru-prokes-gunakan-masker

- https://voi.id/berita/64535/bendakah-angka-case-covid-19-bisa-melandai-di-pekan-kedua-juli-like-prediction-luhut

- https://voi.id/berita/64339/ppkm-darurat-di-jakarta-belum-effective-pdip-pak-anies-jangan-hid

- https://voi.id/berita/61739/banyuwangi-sumbang-case-covid-19-tertinggi-di-jatim-bupati-ipuk-talking-munculnya-klaster-klaster-baru


Reduce interaction together

It may feel strange at first, but it can be done to take care of each other. Reduce interaction with family members who often do activities outside the home. This can be from eating each other in different places, watching movies alternately or in different rooms, and if necessary chatting, being able to keep a distance.

Get checked immediately if you have symptoms

Anyone in the family who feels symptoms of Covid-19 must be immediately examined. Especially for those who are still active outside, they must routinely do a PCR test at least once a month to protect their families at home. If someone is sick, wear a mask even at home.

Take care of your health and cleanliness even at home

Even if you stay at home, don't forget to wash your hands regularly, eat healthy food, sunbathe in the morning, and take vitamins to boost your immune system. Try the best for your own family!

Cleaning the house

Routinely, spray disinfectant on objects that are often touched together. Starting from fences, door handles, dispensers, refrigerator doors, handrails, light switches, as well as TV and AC remotes.

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