JAKARTA - It doesn't feel like, Hari Raya Idul Adha or Hari Raya Kurban will soon be celebrated. Unfortunately, the current pandemic conditions are forcing everyone to change the way they socialize from face to face to virtual. In addition to online calls, there are alternatives that can be done. You can send happy Eid greetings to your loved ones with a series of beautiful and meaningful words, so that the friendship remains felt even from home. Here is a collection of Eid speech words that are touching and full of meaning.

1. Qurban is the spirit of sharing to create peace in the heart. May sincerity always be in you to always share. Happy Eid al -Adha 1442 Hijri.

2. Learn from Ibrahim who was willing to sacrifice his son. And, be like Ishmael who sincerely accepted the will of Allah. Sacrifice and sincerity are the essence of Eid al -Adha. Happy Eid al -Adha

3. Life is reciprocal. What you give will return, what you plant will grow, and what you sacrifice will bear fruit. Happy sacrifice and apologize for being born inside.

4. Eid al -Adha is a time to celebrate your spirit in sacrifice, your hope in forgiveness, and your steadfastness in faith. Happy Eid al -Adha, sorry for the birth and the heart.







5. Life is a quest. Dedicate your life's search only to the Eternal, even though it is full of sacrifice. It is like the search and sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS who is hanif. Happy Eid al -Adha.

6. The echoing takbir tone has been echoed, the Eid al -Adha signal has come. Forgiveness and blessings we hope to get. Happy Eid al -Adha 2020. Taqabbalallahu Minna wa Minkum.

7. Sincerity is often hurt by egoism. The sincerity of slavery is often eroded by arrogance. Prophet Ibrahim AS has always been an endless inspiration for self -improvement. Happy Eid al -Adha.

8. In humility there is the height of kindness. In the poverty of property there is the wealth of the soul. Life feels beautiful if there is apology. Taqabbalallahu Minna wa minkum.

9. Selanat Hari Raya Idul Adha for you and your family! May God accept your sacrifice and bless you with His grace. May this Eid al -Adha remain safe and happy!

10. On this auspicious occasion, may all our good deeds be accepted and we will be given the highest reward of all. Happy Eid al -Adha.

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