JAKARTA - Bonsai is one of the most popular types of plants, especially for those who like to collect bonsai. This is because the shape of bonsai is very unique and has a high selling price, so it is often used as a business opportunity.

There are many types of bonsai plants, for example, the most popular are coconut, banyan, and shaved bonsai. However, in addition to these types of bonsai, there is also another type of bonsai that is being discussed by the public, namely the kimeng bonsai.

This type of bonsai kimeng became popular because it has a very expensive selling value. Then, what is the uniqueness and beauty of the kimeng bonsai so that it is priced at a high price? Instead of being curious, just take a look at the reviews about kimeng bonsai below, let's go!

Bonsai kimeng is a type of Banyan Bonsai

For those of you who love bonsai plants, you must be familiar with the type of banyan bonsai, right? Well, it turns out that this popular kimeng bonsai is included in the type of banyan bonsai, you know! Therefore, don't be confused if you find the name of the banyan kimeng bonsai because that is the full name of the kimeng bonsai.

Bonsai kimeng has a beautiful shape

Maybe you feel a little strange when you hear the name bonsai kimeng. However, don't judge the appearance of the kimeng bonsai from its name because the shape of this type of bonsai is actually very unique and beautiful, not even inferior to other bonsai plants. Therefore, it is not surprising that kimeng bonsai is included in the category of ornamental plants.

In detail, the characteristics of the kimeng bonsai are that it has very lush leaves with a green color that refreshes the eye. Meanwhile, the stems are usually large enough to look very stunning.

Bonsai kimeng can last a long time

Anyone who has a kimeng bonsai plant will definitely feel happy because this type of bonsai can survive for a very long time. However, of course this must be followed by proper plant care and maintenance techniques on a regular basis.

To care for it is not too difficult, you only need to provide the best pots and planting media as a bonsai kimeng container. Usually, for the standard type of kimeng bonsai, the required pot size is about 60 cm. After that, do general care, such as putting it in the sun, watering it moderately, and taking care of the roots and leaves.

The older the more expensive

For certain goods or products, usually the longer the service life, the lower the selling price. However, this is different from the kimeng bonsai.

Well, if you manage to take care of the kimeng bonsai for a very long time, you can resell it at a higher price than when you bought it. In fact, the price of this old kimeng bonsai can reach hundreds of millions, you know! Wow, that's really cool, huh?

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