5 Ways To Overcome A Decreased Appetite When Experiencing Anosmia
Illustration of a decreased appetite (Pexels/ Ron Lach)

JAKARTA – Anosmia caused by COVID-19 temporarily eliminates the sense of smell. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, anosmia was associated with sinusitis, colds, and neurological disorders such as dementia.

An early and common indicator experienced by people exposed to COVID-19 is anosmia. Reported by Healthline, Wednesday, July 14, anosmia in patients with COVID-19 is indeed used as a reference in addition to experiencing symptoms of fever and cough.

Because anosmia is also caused by other factors besides being infected with the corona virus, the test is needed to be more valid.

The sense of smell in people with anosmia due to COVID-19 usually returns after a few weeks.

Appetite for sufferers of anosmia may decrease because the sense of smell can not smell the aroma of the dish. So that nutritional intake is maintained and the immune system is formed stronger, here's how to increase appetite.

According to nutritionists, how to increase appetite can be taken with the following steps:

1. Combine textures, shapes and colors of dishes

While the sense of smell can not smell, it can be increased appetite by making dishes look interesting. Such as combining various textures, shapes, and colors of dishes.

This method is also an effort to meet the needs of vitamins. In addition, it also provokes memories of the smell of food served on the dining table at home.

2. Eat cold or warm food

Cold or warm foods may help identify flavors. Because of this brush to gradually recover anosmia.

3. Add spices

Spices have a sharp taste and aroma. When combined in one dish, it can help people with anosmia strengthen their sense of taste detection.

4. Consume the most memorable food taste

The most memorable food flavors are usually those that are most attached to important or memorable events. For example, the typical Padang food with a spicy flood of spices was enjoyed two years ago when I was traveling out of town.

5. Enter spicy dishes as a menu

If possible, especially for those who do not have a tendency to stomach acid, can include spicy dishes as a menu. The spiciness of the sauce, pepper, black pepper, and chili can help identify flavors.

In addition to the methods above, anosmia sufferers are also advised to train their sense of smell twice a day. You do this by smelling aromas, such as eucalyptus oil, citrus, and vanilla.

Another way is to regularly clean the nose, teeth and mouth and it is recommended to consume garlic to increase immunity and help as an antiviral.

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