JAKARTA - Heart disease is no longer the monopoly of the elderly. Today, even young people have the same risk calculations. Cholesterol is the main trigger. Lifestyle, exposure to food and the environment exacerbate the situation. We present the reasons why cholesterol checks are necessary.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published several facts and recommendations regarding cholesterol and its risks to the health of young children. The institute also recommends that routine cholesterol checks begin when a person is 20 years old.

Quoted from TIME, a study conducted in North America, Europe, and Australia showed that nearly 55 thousand began to experience the development of heart disease or stroke when they reached the age of 43 years.

The research was conducted by measuring the health history and lifestyle of all participants. Interestingly, all the participants, totaling 400 thousand, are people with no history of cardiovascular disease.

In the continuation of its recommendations, the institution stated the importance of starting a health check, especially cholesterol. The study, published in the Lancet, revealed how bad cholesterol is often linked to high blood pressure and a greater risk of heart disease and stroke.

This can be seen from problems when having sex, age, smoking habits, blood pressure, weight index, and diabetes diagnosis. Adults who have high cholesterol levels mostly accumulate damage over a long period of time.

Meanwhile, older people usually have less time to reach a critical level. However, this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. There were also adults who did not have cardiovascular disease and were in better health than participants of the same age level.


Ideally, someone can prevent this cholesterol disease from the start. According to research, men who are younger than 45 years can reduce the chance of heart problems from 29 percent to 6 percent. As for women, usually the probability of someone being younger can drop from 16 percent to 4 percent.

Medicines can help lower cholesterol, but also pay attention to the lifestyle you choose. Diet is one way to reduce cholesterol. Many foods that contain cholesterol such as eggs, for example, can increase blood cholesterol.

Starting from here, you can start limiting the consumption of foods that contain cholesterol. In addition, fatty meat or dairy products need to be limited in their consumption levels, because both have high cholesterol content.

In addition to your diet, you can start eating whole grains and healthy fats, such as fish and avocado.

Not only paying attention to consumption, you need to have a healthy lifestyle such as exercising, getting plenty of rest, avoiding smoking, and avoiding stress by starting to control your feelings. All of that can be a more effective step to prevent cholesterol disease.

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