JAKARTA - Indro Warkop has been declared cured of COVID-19. Before the isolation period ended, Indro had managed to recover but he continued to isolate for up to 14 days for the safety of his family. Now it's the turn of senior artists Deddy Mizwar and Miing who are exposed to COVID-19.

Deddy Mizwar sent a message via WAG that he had been exposed to COVID-19, Wednesday, July 7. Deddy decided to self-isolate for up to two weeks at his home.

Even though he was positive for COVID-19, Deddy was still able to carry out his activities. He participated in the launch of the Indonesian Journalist Film Festival which was held online. The general chairman of the Association of Indonesian Film Companies (PPFI) wants to fight the virus by self-isolation in a happy atmosphere, which is what the senior politician is doing.

"That's why I go online and fully support FFWI. Even though this (Film Festival initiated by journalists) is nothing new. Because it has a very long history. FFWI is important in the Indonesian film ecosystem, because we need many film festivals in Indonesia. That's why FFWI becomes very important," said Deddy Mizwar.

He added that what FFWI needed was not just to select and sort out quality Indonesian films. "But there must be a study of quality improvement (itself). And there must be film criticism there," he said.

The most important thing is that FFWI, which gets full support from the Directorate of Film, Music and New Media (PMMB) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology RI, according to Deddy Mizwar, will increase the values of appreciation for Indonesian films.

Meanwhile, Deddy Gumelar alias Miing, the frontman of the comedy group Bagito yesterday also announced that he was still positive for COVID-19 with CT fluctuating. Miing has been hospitalized for 15 days at the Kemayoran Athlete House. On the tenth day, the results of his examination were still positive with CT 34, so he still had to undergo treatment. On Monday, he returned for a check-up, but the result was still positive with CT 24.

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