JAKARTA - Diet is often an option to lose weight or just live a healthy lifestyle. Various programs were born for women and men who want to live it. Call it the keto diet, mayo and recently appeared fasting diet or intermittent fasting.

Reporting from Healthline, Tuesday, July 6, intermittent fasting is the right alternative for those who want to lose weight fast. Even more interesting, this diet maintains metabolism in the body.

To know more, here are 5 facts about intermittent fasting that you should know.

There are no restrictions on food consumption

Unlike other diets, this diet does not prioritize what foods should be avoided and consumed for those who live it. However, when fasting, you are allowed to consume coffee, tea and other non-calorie drinks.

Eat at the Right Time

With no restrictions on eating various types of food, this diet prioritizes the right time to eat and drink. Among them is the 16:8 method, which requires you to avoid breakfast and limit yourself to only 8 hours of eating.

Then there is also 5:2 as a diet method to limit the calories that enter the body as much as 500-600 for 2 in a week. And the last one is alternating, where you can eat today, but fast fully tomorrow.

Has Benefits for the Body

Intermittent fasting is not only believed to lose weight, but is also beneficial for body health. Among them are maintaining the body's metabolism, preventing cancer and diabetes, and prolonging life.

Recommended by Different Religions

Intermittent fasting is also an alternative to living a healthy lifestyle promoted by several religions. Among them are Islam, Buddhism and Christianity.

Effective Weight Loss

Many studies have revealed that this one diet is effective for losing weight and burning fat in the body.

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