JAKARTA - In the emergency PPKM situation, panic buying occurs, especially Bear Brand milk products, also known as bear milk. Reporting from VOI, the lack of literacy causes panic. In effect, the reality that is essential to know is sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean of ignorance.

To understand what's really in bear's milk, here are 5 facts about the legendary sterile cow's milk that has been produced since the 19th century.

Bear's milk marketed in Switzerland in 1898

Historically, bear milk was marketed in 1898 in Switzerland under the name Barenmarke and in the 1930s entered and marketed in Indonesia. Currently, bear milk is produced by Nestle and is available in several regions including Southeast Asian countries.

Bear milk has long been claimed as a drink that cures disease. In the past, people could only get bear's milk in Chinese grocery stores because production was limited. Reported by Ready Grak!, Monday, July 5, 1906 there was already bear's milk which was believed to be efficacious.

Considered a hereditary medicine

Bear milk is believed for generations to restore stamina and neutralize toxins in the body. Because it is only sold in certain shops, it is not widely known by the public. But once it was widely advertised, bear milk became more and more popular.

Bear's milk is also marketed for baby supplements

Bear milk has several flavors, ranging from chocolate, white malt, goji berries, and white kidney beans. Well, since 2001 Nestle launched Bear Brand Jr. intended as a supplementary food for infants.

Due to consumer-related adjustments and innovation developments, the logo on the bear milk packaging changed several times. What was once a bear bearing the logo on an adult bear's lap has been officially replaced by a bear holding a glass of milk.

Beneficial for skin

Milk has long been used for skin care. Like the tradition of milk baths that are useful for maintaining moisture and softening the skin. This is motivated by the content of vitamins A, C, and E which are very good for regenerating dead skin.

What are the benefits of bear milk based on expert explanation?

Bear milk is made from 100 percent pure milk with calculated quality. In the process, it is sterilized and it is claimed that it does not add preservatives.

Reported by Kompas, a lecturer at the Health Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, UGM, Lily Arsanti Lestari explained that the efficacy of bear's milk or other nutritious foods consumed can keep the body's immunity good.

"But don't just drink Bear Brand milk, your body's immunity can also be increased by consuming other healthy foods," explained Lily soothingly.

Because the understanding of many people is pegged to the vitamin D content in Bear Brand milk, there is an assumption that milk can prevent infection with the Covid-19 virus. Lily explained further, the other milk is also good.

Bear's milk itself, in addition to containing vitamins D, A, C, and E also contains vitamins A, B12, Zn, protein, fat, selenium and other minerals.

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