JAKARTA - Spectacles that are suitable for children can provide knowledge that builds good character and personality. What children watch arbitrarily is conveyed creatively so that education is absorbed without negatively affecting it.

So, how to control and choose the right shows for children to watch? Here's the guide.

Consider the duration

Four year olds have a high curiosity. At that age, he will be more active and difficult to stay still. Now, considering these conditions, set a duration that is not too long to enjoy watching television or gadgets.

This needs to be done so that the overall knowledge, including building cognitive and motor skills, remains balanced. For children under 18 months, according to child psychologist Saskhya Aulia Prima, it is not recommended to replace two-way communication with their parents.

Choose shows that hone children's creativity kreativitas

Before allowing or providing opportunities for children to watch television shows, parents should do some research first. As much as possible, accompany the child while watching the show. Choose quality content, especially to hone children's creativity.


Quality television shows support the development of children. Based on studies, watching television shows and other media with parents can make children richer in their vocabulary.

By being accompanied or accompanied, children will also feel closer to their parents. Parents can also identify and recognize the interests and talents of children through chatting together.

Time management

This is often overlooked when choosing shows for children. It's so fun being in front of the screen that it misses important things that need to be experienced by children from an early age. For example, learning to socialize with family, the surrounding environment, and playmates.

Choose shows that have a positive effect efek

For example, a show with the theme of humanity and the environment can have a positive impact on children. By providing a spectacle that can 'build' a child's character, parents can use it as an additional medium for learning.

In addition to getting subjects at school, children also need entertainment. Well, parents may choose television viewing as entertainment that is positively charged.

An insightful viewing

There are so many choices of pay television shows that can open children's horizons. The form can be discovery or animated films. To be sure, parents need to sort out which shows make their children more creative and which do not contain positive content.

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