JAKARTA – For someone with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, it is highly recommended to regulate and choose the right food consumption. Not only undergoing a special diet for diabetes, on the advice of each doctor, you also need to pay attention to the type of food, the amount, and the time of eating.

In an online talk show held by Asah Kebaikan on Saturday, June 26, entitled Diabetes Mellitus Series: Diet & Menu Management, nutritionists explained various categories of food that can be consumed as well as taboos for diabetics.

"Egg whites for diabetes are okay, but not yolks," explained Aziza Ainun, S.Gz..

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol, but the whites are good for consumption because they are low on the glycemic index. Other food categories recommended for diabetics include complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and limited amounts of fat.

Foods to avoid include simple carbohydrates such as sugar, honey, syrup, jam, jelly, lunkhead, sweet cakes, fruit preserved with sugar, sweetened condensed milk, ice cream, and soft drinks. Foods that contain cholesterol should also be avoided, such as offal, egg yolks, and brains.

Consumption of fat in limited amounts is allowed, except for foods containing saturated fat such as full cream milk, cakes, fast food, and fried foods.

In addition to the food categories mentioned above, the food consumed by diabetics must also have a definite glycemic index count.

“Foods with a low glycemic index can be consumed. Especially those with a glycemic index below 55, such as cereals, kidney beans, soybeans, apples, grapes, pears, oranges, bananas, and skim milk," explained Aziza.

So, what needs to be limited are foods with a moderate glycemic index, which is between 55-70. These foods include white bread, spaghetti, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, dairy products, and sweeteners.

"The principle of the diabetes mellitus diet must be the right type of food, the amount is not excess, and the food schedule is on time," said Aziza explaining the dietary principles that diabetics need to follow.

In a diet, the number of calories is determined based on the age, gender, activity, and physical condition and health of a person.

For example, in one menu a day, the body with moderate activity requires 1,700 Kcal of total energy, so detailed calculations are needed such as carbohydrates (275 grams), protein (55 grams), fat (35 grams).

Hopefully the suggestions above can help you sort out and choose a menu. But someone with diabetes still needs to consult a diet menu with a nutritionist. Because everyone has a different physical condition, then live a diet that is most suitable for your health.

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