JAKARTA - Actor Adly Fairuz is one of the latest public figures to be confirmed infected with COVID-19. This news was confirmed by his wife, Angbeen Rishi through his Instagram account.

Wednesday, June 23, Angbeen Rishi revealed the initial story of how Adly Fairuz was exposed to the virus.

"Recently Baba (Adly's nickname) is really really busy, 97% of his activities are outside the house & rarely come home."

Due to his busy schedule, Adly's physical condition began to weaken with symptoms such as dengue fever. "Suddenly on June 9 Baba had a high fever and his platelets dropped like dengue."

"Finally Baba was hospitalized and it turned out to be positive for Covid," he said further.

Two weeks into isolation, Angbeen shared Adly Fairuz's latest condition. "Now Baba's condition has recovered & is fit again but Baba still has to self-isolate."

The wife explained that she wanted to see Adly soon because she had not seen each other for two weeks.

Today, June 24, Angbeen uploaded a video meeting with Adly. The two were seen dancing together and seemed happy.

"Alhamdulillah, we can gather together again today thanks to all of your prayers," said Angbeen Rishi.

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