JAKARTA - The relationship between Luna Maya and Ariel foundered in the middle of the road after their immoral video case spread in 2010 and made the public excited. Of course, Luna felt angry and resentful towards her ex-lover.

Time has passed, now Luna can step back and achieve success. Apparently when he fell, there was someone who made him get up and no longer wanted to hold a grudge.

"I really had a grudge, I was annoyed with Ariel at that time," said Luna Maya on YouTube TS Media, quoted Friday, June 18.

It turned out that the figure of Edric Tjandra as his best friend made Luna's heart soften. Edric said that he should not hold a grudge if he does not want to be exposed to deadly diseases such as tumors or cancer.

"I told him, 'Oh, Lun, not Lun, because that is the beginning and the root of bitterness. Bitterness will cause cancer, tumors'," said Edric Tjandra.

Edric explained that people who are affected by tumors or cancers that are not genetic usually have experiences or pasts related to resentment or hatred towards someone.

"That's really what you said that I remember until now. You were useful for my survival," he said.

Luna Maya emphasized that since she decided to make peace, her life has become lighter than before, it always felt heavy. Even Luna Maya was able to reconnect with Ariel and establish friendships thanks to Edric Tjandra.

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