Routine Sex Makes Women Beautiful And Ageless
Illustration (Becca Tappert/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Beautiful and stay young seems to be the thing that most women want. It's no wonder that today's skincare products claim to be able to prevent premature aging. For those who are married, apparently beautiful and youthful you can get with regular sex. How can it be?

Based on research by David Weeks, British Consultant and Clinical Psychology, couples who have sex three times a week will look 10 years younger than their biological age. Because when you have sex, you are releasing the hormone serotonin. This serotonin hormone functions to regulate the mood to be happy.

Serotonin hormone work will increase during sexual intercourse. High serotonin, can trigger the brain to release chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine that can reduce stress and anxiety. Well, stress and anxiety are some of the factors that cause the face to be less radiant and the skin looks older. When you produce serotonin during sex, the body automatically also works from within to improve body condition.

In addition, regular sex can also balance hormones. Balanced levels of the hormones estrogen and testosterone are able to keep the face from acne. Even if acne occurs, sex alone can help fight inflammation and infection caused by acne bacteria lodged in clogged pores. That way, the appearance of the face can be bright and smooth without stubborn acne.

Some other benefits of having regular sex are increasing antibodies so that the immune system is maintained. If the body is healthy, making love feels more comfortable and enjoyable, right? You and your husband can satisfy each other.

Well, from now on do not underestimate the benefits of sex for the body, yes. Having a healthy and active sex life with your husband is an easy and fun tip to have a beautiful, shiny and youthful facial appearance.

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