Lesti Kejora Says Rizky Billar Made Himself Fall In Love Again
Lesti Kejora - Rizky Billar (Instagram @rizkybillar)

JAKARTA - The couple Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar successfully held a proposal ceremony at Gedong Putih, Bandung, today, June 13. In the event, Lesti recounted her love journey with the soap opera artist.

"Even though people say the trip is short, for dede (Lesti) and sister (Rizky Billar) it is an extraordinary journey," he said, launching Warta Kota the same day.

Although initially friends, the two are determined to have a serious relationship. He wants to be a happy couple who continue to enjoy their relationship.

"Hopefully dede (Lesti) hopes that dede can always understand what brother (Billar) wants. Dede will always learn to love his shortcomings," he said further.

Previously through his personal Instagram account, Billar revealed that their relationship was often called a gimmick and Billar was not taken seriously. After holding back for so long, Billar began to upload their relationship nearing a serious stage.

Lesti also revealed that Rizky Billar was the one who made her fall in love again. In addition, Rizky Billar also asked permission from Lesti's father directly.

Both held a limited application by inviting 200 people. This is due to comply with health protocols.

In addition, the police were also deployed to avoid crowds considering the couple has a strong fan base.

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