JAKARTA – Every individual has their own way of expressing their feelings. Regardless of gender, some people express their love differently. Not with words, but with actions that indicate his heart.

Has your partner ever done any of the following to you? If so, appreciate and understand it as a way to express his love.

Send random messages

With no context, a guy who loves you can just send random messages. No point unless he's thinking about you.

Making time for you

If previously your partner was busy, either at work or meeting colleagues, when he starts spending time with you is a man's way of expressing his feelings. It also shows that your partner respects you and puts you first.

Communicate intensely

Once or two is not a problem, but intense or contains a charge to communicate without breaking with you. Another positive thing, he considers communicating with a partner is a basic need.

Introducing you to his friends

When hanging out with his friends, he will tell stories and introduce his friends. He also shows commitment with you to his friends.

Help you according to your capacity

It is wrong to think that every man can help anything, but if he loves you he will help according to his capacity.

Give support

The key to a harmonious relationship is emotional attachment. If your partner provides emotional support to you, it means he puts you in his heart. In difficult times, your partner does not leave you alone and provides emotional reinforcement as a form of attention.

Not judging unilaterally

Couples who understand and understand the past of their loved ones will not judge or give one-sided criticism.

Giving compliments

For the results of your hard work, your partner will give you praise. Even without saying 'I love you', this compliment is more than just a sweet word.

Even when you are without makeup or your hair is messy, he still sees you as a valuable woman in his life.

Accept your every decision

Although in a couple life requires negotiation and open-mindedness, if your partner accepts your every decision then he really loves you. Giving criticism is not even with language that drops but rather to a wise support system.

Give a hug

Physical touch for a partner is certainly very important. You can certainly tell the difference between a loving hug or a lie. Well, if your partner hugs you and doesn't let go, it can mean he cares and loves you.

How does your partner express his love without words?

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