JAKARTA - Even though it's not mandatory, keeping your body smelling good gives it a distinct sensation. Besides being able to increase self-confidence, your mood will also be better when you feel good. The problem is, how do you make your body smell good all day long?

Well, there are several steps that you must apply every day so that it smells good throughout the day. Follow these tips, OK!

Shower twice a day

Come on, who only takes one bath every day? You may not realize it, but after a day's activities, a lot of dirt sticks to the body, including dust, vehicle fumes, and sweat. So it's better if you get used to taking a shower every morning before your activities and at night before going to bed so that your body is always in a clean condition. Don't forget to choose soap with fragrance!

Using deodorant

After taking a shower, don't forget to use deodorant on your armpits so you don't smell bad. Especially for those of you whose activities are densely crawling, plus sports, and tiring activities will certainly make your body sweat easily. So, it never hurts to use deodorant regularly so that the fragrance you use afterwards can work optimally.

Use scented body lotion

The most effective is to apply body lotion right after bathing, even when the skin is still damp. So you can dry the body with a towel for a while, then immediately apply body lotion all over the body. Make sure you choose a lotion product that contains fragrance! The type of fragrance can be adjusted according to your taste.

Choose a quality perfume

It's no secret that the most durable types of fragrances are perfumes and eau de perfumes. Although the price is indeed more expensive, but the quality does not lie.

Instead of buying a body mist or cologne whose scent disappears quickly and has to be sprayed continuously, it's better to have a perfume that can last for hours, right?

Perfume type can last 6-7 hours, while the eau de perfume type is slightly lower, which is 4-6 hours. No need to buy the most expensive, especially now that there are many quality local perfumes whose prices start from Rp. 500 thousand.

Wear perfume properly

There are several points that are recommended for spraying perfume to make it last longer, such as the wrists, behind the ears, neck, and the inside of the elbows and knees. For those of you who are used to rubbing perfume on your hands, you should avoid this habit because it makes the smell evaporate quickly.

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