JAKARTA - Today, Thursday, May 27, South Korean agency KeyEast Entertainment officially ended the exclusive contract with actor Ji Soo.

Cited from Sports DongA on the same day, they admitted that it was difficult for Ji Soo to carry out activities as an actor.

"We respect the actor's decision not to cause harm to the agency, so the final decision was made to terminate his contract".

They will follow the process of the River Where The Moon Rises production team's lawsuit until they find the best solution.

In March, Ji Soo was named as the bully in high school. This claim emerged amid the broadcast of the Korean drama River Where The Moon Rises, which he starred in.

Then in April, the drama production company, Victory Contents took KeyEast to the Seoul Central Court.

They suffered losses due to various rumors about Ji Soo ranging from violence, cheating on exams, to sexual assault even though the agency never raised a voice on the issue.

Even though at that time, the shooting process was already running 90 percent, so Victory Contents had to re-shoot and replace the main role of Ji Soo. In addition, because of this loss, they have to lower their budget to pay staff salaries, property, and so on.

KeyEast responded that they are trying to face a lawsuit on the condition that Victory Contents must include a comprehensive fee regarding their losses related to Ji Soo.

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