JAKARTA - Roy Suryo and Lucky Alamsyah were involved in a traffic accident involving the car they were driving on Saturday, May 22, at around 6:30 p.m. Initially Lucky wrote a chronology of his FB account story. On his story page he did not mention the full name of the passenger of the car that crashed into his vehicle. Lucky also just wrote down the initials of RS, a former official. However, netizens then attributed and suspected the initials of the hospital was Roy Suryo, a former Minister of Finance in the era of President SBY.

When contacted by the media, Lucky explains the chronology of his version. The traffic incident began when he crossed Jalan Pemuda, Rawamangun, East Jakarta. Precisely the red light intersection in front of Arion Mall in the direction of Pulogadung.

"My vehicle drove from the direction of the Bypass. I'm in lane three going straight towards Pulogadung. The light is green. While the car that hit my car from the side was in the rightmost lane (lane four), which is specifically intended for vehicles that will turn right and turn around. Suddenly the car got out of the lane, left and hit my car," Lucky said when contacted by reporters, Monday (24/05).

It was in lane four there were several other vehicles (two to three cars) that stopped and waited for the lights to turn green. As the car drove, suddenly one car that was third in the rightmost lane cut to the left out of the queue. "While my car will be straight because of the green light. Suddenly, brak! My car was hit from the back side door to the bamper," he continued.

Felt his car hit by another car. Lucky comes down to see his condition. While the car only stopped about four meters in front of the car that was hit. "After I waited a few seconds there was no reaction from the rider, I samperin and I told the driver, why just shut up? Get down, see first, let's finish on the side of the road," lucky said again.

Lucky was shocked when a passenger who was in the car that crashed suddenly screamed. "He screamed. Hey, you're wrong! You've sabotaged our path. Why are you angry," Lucky mimicked the passenger's words in the car.

He himself did not know that the passenger who shouted was Roy Suryo, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. He only found out when he was in the office of TV One television station in Inustri Pulogadung Area. "Because the hit man did not want to stop and instead continued, I followed from behind until finally entered the office TV One. The security guard of the office told me that the car in front contained Roy Suryo," lucky said.

Apparently the debate continued in the parking lot of TV One. Lucky said that he was very proud of the arrogance that the character later showed. But if only the driver who had crashed his car apologized, or was not arrogant, the problem was resolved.

"Obviously he cut the lane then hit my car, how I said to break into his path. If I'm the one who nabrak, it must be the front of my car that ringsek,"Lucky said.

Roy Suryo's Version Chronology

Roy Suryo said he was surprised by the upload. He claimed to be vilified, that the fact that happened was reversed by Lucky who is also known as a soap opera player.

Contacted VOI, Sunday, May 23, Roy Suryo tells the chronology of his version. "Hit, indeed. What I got was the left side of the front bumper."

"Got a little bit of a hit. We honked so he could stop. He stopped. Because of the red light too. stop. The guy's down. Grumpy."

According to Roy Suryo, he then took Lucky to the police station to resolve the accident legally. But the driver instead smashed the window of Roy Suryo's car.

"Keep smashing the window. So he smashed my driver's window twice. Well I do not know if suddenly this morning if it turns out to continue writing my initials RS. But he wrote the former minister. People know it's me."

"And I do admit I experienced that. But it has to be pointed out, he's the one who's coming in from the left, getting to the right."

Not accepting the upload of Lucky Hakim, Roy Suryo claimed to report Lucky Alamsyah Monday, May 24, at the Metro Jaya Police Department Building, Jakarta.

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