JAKARTA - Having an ideal body weight is everyone's dream, especially women. Various ways are willing to be done in order to get a body shape that remains perfectly slim. Starting from adjusting the pattern and type of eating to exercising regularly.

If you want to compare between exercise and diet, which one actually has the most effect on changing body shape? Diet or exercise?

Citing Healthline, Tuesday, May 18, both are equally important. But when it comes to losing weight, eating less, aka dieting, seems easier to do than exercise. For more details, here is a comparison of the calories lost between someone who regularly does exercise with people who are able to control their diet.

For example, if you are diligent in exercising for just one hour, you will only burn about 300 calories. This value is equivalent to the calories in 1 piece of fried chicken breast. Now, if you want to cut calories but don't have time to exercise, you should try changing your diet by boiling the chicken where the calories are only 50 calories.

Indeed, exercise will speed up one's metabolism. Conversely, if those who diet, their body metabolism becomes slow.

So that's why the two of them have to balance each other out. Diet is necessary, exercise is necessary. But exercise without adjusting your diet is the same. Because if the diet is down significantly, but at most it lasts only 3 months.

Because a diet that is often done actually eats a little so that at the end you get hungry easily. In fact, when you are on a diet, you should eat as much as you want, but look for those with small calories. Any food that makes it stretchy, anything that contains sugar, flour, and oil should be avoided.

That is why if you really want a diet, choose the one that is most suitable not only for yourself but the environment as well. The reason is, the environment is one of the factors supporting the success of the diet.

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