JAKARTA - The appearance of Roro Ayu Maulida Putri, Puteri Indonesia 2020 wearing a  'Komodo dragon-themed costume: Indonesia's Prehistorical Heritage' at the Miss Universe 2020 event held in Florida, United States was widely praised. Unfortunately, the costume has not been able to get the best national costume at Miss Universe 2020.

The category victory was won by Thuzar Wint Lwin of Myanmar. Although the costume she wore was not the main costume, Thuzar's message seemed to amaze the jury.

Thuzar revealed that she was unable to wear the previously planned national costume for the 69th Miss Universe Competition because her suitcase was lost during a trip to Florida, USA.

The news was reported by nytimes.com in an article titled "Miss Universe Myanmar arrives in Florida with a message for the junta" written by Richard C. Maddock on May 14.

Wearing a spare costume, she appeared confident to deliver her message, Miss Universe Myanmar, Thuzar Wint Lwin. While she was on the center of the stage in an elaborate beaded and embroidered outfit, she bowed to the audience before unveiling a call to "pray" for her country.

Myanmar's representative national costume was later set to be the best and announced at the Miss Universe 2020 Grand Final, Sunday night, May 16, 2021, Florida time, USA.

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