JAKARTA - Tempeh is one of Indonesia's proudest foods. Food products from soy are favored by all people. It's impossible if someone doesn't know tempeh, does it? But in fact, Ardi Bakrie's wife, Nia Ramadhani does not know tempeh fried.

This is known from the video uploads of gossip accounts @insta_nyiyir. In the video footage, Nia looks confused when the seller offers her tempeh fried.

"How much tempeh do you want to buy?", asked the seller to Nia.

Instantly Nia Ramadhani's face looks confused. "Ah.... tempeh", said Nia.

The people who recorded the moment were shocked and laughed at Nia Ramadhani's behavior. Even some of them do not believe the mother of three children does not know the form of tempeh fried.

"Oh my gosh you don't know it's tempeh?", he said.

Asked like that, Nia Ramadhani can only laugh and admit do not know that it is tempeh fried.

Some netizens immediately responded to the video post. The account @marsela.23 suspects Nia is not ignored, but unconscious.

"It seems that she meant not know if it's tempeh fried. I don't know the tempeh, though. Maybe the tempeh covered in breadcrumbs so invisible", she said.

This is not the first time the wife of conglomerate Ardi Bakrie, Nia Ramadhani astonished netizens. Previously the fact that Nia did not know how to peel salak also became a chat of the internet in cyberspace.

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