JAKARTA - Elijah Wood has confirmed his desire to remake the legendary horror franchise A Nightmare On Elm Street. Discussions with all film rights-holding authorities have been held. Elijah better mean it. Do not let this project extend the trend of random remakes just to pursue profits with big names of legendary films.
This discourse arose when ComingSoon.net asked Elijah to list five horror films he so dreamed of remaking. On that occasion, Elijah called A Nightmare On Elm Street his dream film. A dream that he even soon realized.
"We have been in touch with rights holders many times," Elijah said, as reported by NME, Thursday (7/11/2019).
The actor Frodo Baggins in the Lord of The Rings epic trilogy said that SpectreVision, the film company he founded, is ready to work on the Freddy Krueger story. Daniel Noah, his business partner even supported Elijah's plan a hundred percent.
"We don't keep it a secret. We have been in touch with the rights holders many times. This is a real dream project for us to remake the franchise," said Noah.

Big challenge
SpectreVision was founded by Elijah and Noah in 2010. The film company focuses on horror projects. Not just any project. In 2014, the Iranian vampire film A Girls Walks Home Alone At Night won a number of awards.
At the Deauville Film Festival 2014, the director, Ana Lily Amirpour won the Special Mention award. At the 2015 Dublin International Film Festival, this film won the award for Best Cinematography on behalf of Lyle Vincent.
A Nightmare On Elm Street was last remade in 2010. The film project with a budget of 35 million US dollars has earned Box Office revenue of 115.6 million US dollars. However, in terms of quality, Samuel Bayer's A Nightmare On Elm Street did not get a very good response.
The film, starring Jackie Earle Haley, Kyle Gallner, Rooney Mara, to Kellan Lutz, is considered a failure. Let alone rival the quality of the original 1984 film by Wes Craven, not even close.
On IMDB, A Nightmare On Elm Street 1984 got a score of 7.5 / 10. While on Rotten Tomatoes, film critics reward Craven's work with a 94% rating. For Bayer's A Nightmare On Elm Street, viewers gave it a 5.2 / 10 score on IMDB. Meanwhile, the Rotten Tomatoes critic only gave a rating of 15%.
So, this ambition is actually a big challenge for Elijah and SpectreVision. A challenge that deserves the result.
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