JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan and Bams Ex Samsons released the song Sabda Semesta. As if forgetting her problem with Hotma Sitompul, Desiree gave her beautiful, soft voice in this song. This song is a reflection of Bams on the COVID-19 pandemic which has made Bali deserted.

Quoted from VMC Music Indonesia, Bams created the song Sabda Semesta assisted by his favorite tandem in the song arrangement, namely Hein Christian.

The lyrics of the song themselves represent what happened in this pandemic season, and also remind us to always be grateful and grateful and always remember the Creator.

Friday, April 30th, Desiree and Bams released the video clip of Sabda Semesta on YouTube. From the video clip, you can see how the current state of Bali is, how Bali, which was always busy, has changed drastically 180 degrees.

Not only from songs alone, Bams Samsons and Desiree Tarigan collaborated with @benihbaik to create a movement "Breath, Life and Hope", a movement focused on helping SME activists in Bali. Sabda Semesta has been available on all digital music platforms in the world since April 30, 2021.

After this song was released, many netizens' prayers went to Desiree Tarigan. "The spirit of mamy desi, do not step back an inch, still the spirit of mamy represents a woman who is patient, sincere, but has firm principles," wrote Yatie Jawir.

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