JAKARTA - Sinusitis is a respiratory disorder followed by symptoms of nasal congestion so that the sense of smell is not sensitive to odors. In addition, sinusitis is often followed by pain around the bridge of the nose, headache, fever, runny nose, and bad breath.

Sinusitis is susceptible to people who have weak immune system, allergies, asthma, nasal polyps and abnormal nasal structures.

This flu-like illness should not be underestimated. Because if it is not addressed immediately, it can lead to dangerous complications, such as meningitis, brain abscess, and infection in the bones.

Sinusitis is the swelling of the sinus tissue. Swelling is plural and caused by infection. The sinuses are located in the cavity that connects the skull bones. This cavity called the sinus functions as a sound resonance.

Under normal conditions, the sinuses are filled with air. But due to swelling, air is blocked and mucous membranes produce more mucus. Because enough mucus is produced and accumulates in the sinus cavities, sinusitis is experienced.

Launching WebMD, Thursday, April 29, sinusitis is caused by the 5 conditions below:

Common cold Allergic rhinitis or swelling of the lining of the nose caused by allergens. Displacement of the nasal cavity. Polyps grow in the nose. The roots of the teeth in the maxilla penetrate the floor of the maxillary sinus or dentogenic sinusitis caused by the upper canines.

There are two categories of sinusitis, namely acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. Acute sinusitis is experienced when symptoms are less than 12 weeks old. Meanwhile, chronic sinusitis is experienced when symptoms last for more than 12 weeks and is followed by or without polyps.

This disease can be experienced by anyone who has a certain history. Like the conditions described at the beginning of this article, including having allergies, a smoky environment in which you live, drinking while sleeping on your back, nasal polyps, asthma, abnormal nasal structure, and weak immune system.

Treatment of sinusitis is generally based on a doctor's recommendation. Usually, patients with acute and chronic sinusitis will be given a prescription for drugs and medical treatment to treat the viral infection first.

In addition, the doctor will provide antibiotics and suggest doing daily habits that are useful for increasing endurance.

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