7 Causes Of Eye Twitching Based On Medical Explanations
Eye twitch illustration (Pexels / Kush Kaushik)

JAKARTA - Eyelid twitching is often interpreted as an abstract marker, for example, there are those who miss, will get good fortune, or will lose. However, based on medical explanations, eye twitching is a sign or symptom of experiencing something in the body.

Both related to physical health and mental health which are not in a stable condition. Now, since there are so many misunderstandings, the following is a brief explanation that can be used as a reference in finding solutions to health problems.

Dry eyes

Reporting from Kompas, Tuesday, April 27, with age the production of tears decreases, resulting in dry eyes. Dry eyes are also one of the causes of eye twitching.

In addition to decreased tear production, frequent viewing of device screens, wearing contact lenses, and taking certain medications also affects eye moisture. If your eyes are dry and feel twitching, try to consult an ophthalmologist to get a prescription for the right drops.


Being too tired and not getting enough rest can cause twitching. To overcome twitching caused by fatigue, you just need rest and get enough and quality sleep.

Mostly caffeine

Better, based on medical recommendations to drink coffee no more than three cups. Not only coffee that contains caffeine, drinks and foods such as tea, chocolate, and energy-boosting drinks.

The eye muscles are too tense

Staring at the screen to read, watch television or work can make eye muscles too tense. Moreover, it was done for a long time.

The way to deal with twitching caused by this is to look away every 20 minutes. Point your gaze at a distant object and then look back at the screen.


Stress can also be a cause of eye twitching. The eye twitches, which may be painless but uncomfortable.

Now, if you feel that you are under a lot of pressure to stress, then overcome it with simple ways that make you more relaxed, for example by breathing exercises, yoga, and relaxing for a moment.


Allergies do not only appear as twitching eye symptoms. Other symptoms experienced include itching, swelling, and wateriness. If the eye twitches caused by allergies, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Experiencing head injury

If you have experienced an injury to the head, it is not impossible to cause twitching in the eye. Other causes of twitching include stroke, Parkinson's, inflammation of the brain, mental health disorders, multiple sclerosis, Meige's syndrome, and bell palsy.

Even though it doesn't bother you, if you keep twitching your eyes then take the wise steps to see a doctor.

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