JAKARTA - Eating a lot of caffeine can be harmful to health, only true coffee lovers know that this amazing ingredient works magically on the hair. In addition to increasing mood in the morning, coffee also has a strong effect on driving hair growth, making hair darker, improving hair texture, and providing fine spots on hair strands.

By trying out this DIY coffee hair mask at home, according to the Times of India, Thursday, March 20, now you can get your dream hair.

To ensure hydrated and shiny hair, you can use a coffee mask, honey, and olive oil. Enjoy the moisturizing benefits of olive oil and honey, where both work very well on dry hair.

How to create:

Rich in vitamins, iron, sodium, and litin, a combination of coffee and egg yolks restores damaged hair, keeps external aggressors under control. Known for regulating oily scalp and recovering problems with brittle and dull hair, this mask is the right solution for all types of scalp.

How to create:

To deal with tangled hair and smooth hair citcula, take a yogurt and add a little lemon with coffee, which will clean and peel the skin off your dead head, so that the hair becomes soft and healthy.

How to create:

Coffee is a perfect natural hair dye and can be used to cover gray hair. Adding cinnamon to it will stimulate the scalp and encourage hair growth, making it the ideal hair mask.

How to create:

This combination may make you feel uncomfortable, but it can actually provide a miracle for the hair. Adding the glare to the dull hair will improve the entire hair structure and also immediately overcome the branched ends of the hair.

How to create:

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