JAKARTA - Face pores are often considered a problem because they appear on the surface of the skin, especially if the size is larger. There are also many wrong assumptions about pores.

One of them is skin problems such as acne or comodo called because of the presence of pores. Then the assumption that opening pores so that facial cleansing is maximized and healthy, and closing pores so that they are not easily dirty is still believed by many people.

In fact, pores, both small and large, will always be on the skin and are normal. It should also be noted that acne can appear because the pores are dirty or clogged, and the pores cannot be opened or closed.

Dermatology professor Mona Gohara said the pore size was related to genetics, sun exposure, and skin collagen levels. When the collagen levels decrease, the pores will stretch and appear larger.

"It's true that over time your pores may appear more prominent, due to exposure to sunlight and the aging process," Mona Gohara said.

In addition, there is no cold water that can close the pores, as many people have believed in so far. Likewise, hot water and hot steam cannot open the pores.

The thing that can be done to keep facial skin healthy is to use sunscreen every day so that the effects of sun exposure do not make pores more common. Also use retinol to increase skin cell changes and increase collagen production.

Not only that, you can also clean your face regularly with soft ingredients so that the pores don't get bigger. Exfoliate regularly about 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells, so that pores are not clogged and prevent skin problems.

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